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Very Special Orders

I worked my tush off day and night in preparation. Despite the tornado winds, frigid temps, the downpour, and the inability to set up nearly all of my shop’s displays, the Asbury Fresh market was somehow an incredible success. It wasn’t easy, as nothing worthwhile is, and I couldn’t have done it without the unwavering support and assistance of my boyfriend, Ryan. He stuck by me, freezing and underdressed, helping in every way he knew how. What a guy!

I look forward to the next market, and better weather. But until then, I’ve got a mountain of custom orders to work on. Here are a few that I'm working on:

Tattoo Leaf

Stained glass leaf, by Laura Koss
Glass interpretation of a watercolor leaf

The original watercolor and tattoo by the artist

This was interesting. A Canadian artist's husband asked me to create a glass interpretation of his wife's watercolor leaf. The watercolor is lovely - simple but intricate brushstrokes, a pleasant and true shade of green with an imperfect organic shape. The glass I chose is like a watercolor in itself - falling somewhere between transparent and opaque. I chose copper solder for an organic look as copper changes with age.


Moravian Star

Moravian Star, by Laura Koss of Garden State Glasswork
3-dimensional star in jewel tones for a wife's birthday.

I love making these stars. This on is a gift for a stained glass lover's birthday. The colors are just incredible together and I do hope she enjoys it!


Parrot Repair

Sad little guy

Happy as a clam

Always happy to do any kind of glass work for this fellow. Looking forward to more projects with him, but for now, his parrot needs a little tlc.


Bachelorette Party Swizzles

Fused glass swizzle sticks, by Laura Koss of Garden State Glasswork
Lavender cocktail stirrers in the bride's wedding color.

I made six sets of fused glass cocktail stirrers in the bride's wedding color, lavender. Five different sets, and one of each as a collection for the bride. They loved them!


On Deck:

Rainbow Drops

This will happen over the next couple of weeks. This is a special piece for a special gal.


The plumeria is a for a girl who is moving to the Big Island amidst the Hawaiian volcano eruption. Good for her!

Stay tuned to see the rest come to life!

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